Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday 8 September

Don't know why I need so much sleep. It's weird. At night I just can't keep my eyes open. Went to bed just after 9 PM and struggled to get out of bed at 6.30AM. I don't normally need this much sleep.

Maybe it's the combination of working out and the excitement of starting a new online venture ... yeah, that must be it.

Workout went really well today. Did my 60 minutes of cardio and did 2 x 3 sets of 15 reps ab exercises on that 'high chair' thingy (where you sway your legs upwards in front of you) and 3 sets of 15 reps of ab exercises on the rubber ball (crunches the upper abs).

Although I know I've lost a fair bit of weight in these (almost) 4 weeks, there's still a bit of a tyre around my waist so want to get rid of that ASAP. As Des says, you can never do too many abs exercises.

So on the days when my cardio sessions go alright, I will add some abs exercises from now on.

It will have been 4 weeks tomorrow since the start of the challenge ... so I'll weigh myself, check bodyfat, and upload updated pics. Can't wait for the results :-)

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