Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday 19 September

Eish, a week to forget. I've been needing so much sleep this week, it's not normal. Must be the flu meds.

Got up too late to go to gym (and wasn't 'feeling it' in any case) so I skipped. Rather focus on getting the bookings in today, and giving my body some rest. Tomorrow is another session with Des and then big party at the in-laws ... so I'm going to need my strength.

It's the mother-in-law's 50th bash, and the theme is 'Gods and Godesses' - we were thinking of going as dogs (dyslexic gods) but the idea of being dressed in a hairy, sweaty bearsuit all afternoon wasn't that appealing after all. So now I'm going as Thor. And what with my cough, I'll probably sound like the God of Thunder too :-)

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