Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Two weeks into the challenge

Tuesday 26 August

Cool, we're two weeks into the challenge. Do I feel a difference? Yes, I do have the impression that my body is just that little bit 'tighter'. My domestic said today that she can already see a difference.

I don't want to weigh myself just yet - or take any measurements. I plan to do updates (weight, measurements & pictures) every 4 weeks. Mainly to make sure that the difference is really noticeable (or so I hope).

Did 60 minutes of cardio work today. According to my Polaris heart rate monitor, that equates to 940 calories. Sounds like a massive amount of calories to burn in just one session. Especially since I'm basically on a diet of porridge, brown rice, fish and veggies - plus a whole lot of USN supplements.

By all rights, I should have lost a bit of weight after 4 weeks. Will just have to be careful not to overdo it on the weekends. As long as nothing special happens, it won't be a problem, but I've noticed last weekend that it's tough sticking to the diet when you're driving around doing the touristy thing ... You just forget to eat and then when you do get a chance to eat, you're just starving and eat whatever. OK, the 'whatever' in my case was 3 bread rolls with camembert, lettuce and tomato. That was my big sin of the weekend. But still, I'd hate to undo all the hard work at the gym and during the week by not paying attention to what I'm eating in the weekends.

I'm also starting to see the effects in other areas of my life. I'd been working on this website for a while - on and off - without making much progress. Today, I decided to do that and just that and I got the job done. The site is live, Google Ads is all set up and we're as near as makes no difference ready to start trading. Great feeling!

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