Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday 3 November

Just one day to go! Tomorrow, my 12 weeks are officially over. I feel like I've been celebrating all of last week - it's definitely party season and we've been eating out so many times, I don't think I've lost any more weight since last week. But hey, if it wasn't for the regular exercise, and the fact that my metabolism is now a lot faster, I would've probably gained a kg or two, so am not complaining.

And all in all, I'm pretty happy already with the transformation - hard to believe it's the same guy as 12 weeks ago.

Had a really good cardio session today. Pushed hard on the bicycle as well - will need to step that up if I don't want to blow up at the 94.7 Challenge, which is now less than 2 weeks away. Still have to get a bike ... very organised, as usual ...

And now, we just wait until tomorrow night. My wife will take the pic when she gets home from work ... am really curious to see the results. Oh, don't expect me to look like some sort of Stevenegger - I've made good progress but I'm not going to be winning any Mr Universe competitions any time soon. And neither would I want to, that was just never the goal ...

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