Am quite chuffed about my own. I'll post all the measurments in the sidebar, but the main ones are quite encouraging:
Weight went down from 92.7kgs to 83kgs. It would have been more if it weren't for the fact that my muscle mass has increased by 3 kgs and my body water % from 50.8 to 57.6%.
The biggest shockers, though, are that my body fat percentage went to from 24.7% to just 12.4%, and my 'body age' went from 48 (ouch, and ouch again!) to 14 (yes, you read that right, FOURTEEN). So I went from grandpa to teenager ... That was the big surprise of the day!! When Des told me about my body's virtual age 12 weeks ago, I came close to depression. Now, it's the exact opposite ... I still struggle to contain my excitement.
So, in summary, if anyone is in doubt whether it's worth going for the USN challenge, I'd say it's an unequivocal yes from me. It wasn't always easy. The getting out of bed early. The sore muscles. Just the whole sticking to a routine thing (which is so not me) ... The chicken and broccoli ... The drinking water when everyone else is having a beer or a glass of wine. The not eating sweets ...
So yes, it's challenging at times. I got sick for 2 weeks and wasn't able to really push myself during that period. That may happen to you as well. Just don't use it as an excuse for quitting. Keep going to gym, even if you're only there for half an hour ...
As for me, I'm not going to stop here. I reckon I still need to lose 2 to 3 kgs - mainly tummy fat. I really want a six pack for summer, and luckily, the summer hols are still 6 weeks away, so I'll get there.
Des also told me that from now on (now that most of the excess flab is gone), the focus will shift from losing weight to building muscle. He especially intends to focus on the chest, shoulders, back and arms. Pretty much the whole upper body then ...
I think I'll ask him to do another assessment just before the summer hols, and will then also post another picture. One of the big questions that I had when I was investigating whether I should or shouldn't bother with the USN challenge was how easy it was to maintain that lifestyle, and keep that new body in shape.
That's exactly why I still intend to keep Des on as my personal trainer ... I wouldn't trust myself to stick to the plan if left to my own devices. This way, I'm forced to go to gym at least 3 times a week ... which can only help.
Over the last 2 weeks, I've definitely returned to our old lifestyle when it comes to eating out and drinking the occasional glass of wine. And you know what, I don't feel guilty about that at all. My wife and I should love doing that sort of thing, and any routine that doesn't allow us to do that, would simply not work long term. For the first 2 months or so, I'd definitely recommend sticking to the chicken and broccoli though - it helps you see results quickly and teaches you a more healthy way of eating. Even now, when we go out, it's usually for salads, or chicken, and only very rarely will I have a pizza or something ...
Alright, that's it from me for now. Will post the pic when my wife's home and will also post the final measurements. Leaves me to wish you best of luck on your journey to a healthier body!
OK, here it is ... the results of 12 weeks of hard labour :-)
Can't just wait to see those pictures, I think this will be a real choc for me, congratulations for sticking to the program and enjoy your results, I think you won the marathon!!!!
Today is the day, I saw your fotos, what a difference, I can't believe my eyes. You've got the looks my boy, lets summer begin, I think you're ready for it!
Congrats on your transformation. My wife and i are about to embark on the same journey. I take my hat off to you, its alot of hard work and the results show. That has definitely given us hope.
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